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If not, the European Council shall propose another candidate within one month. La Commissione inoltre vigila sulla corretta applicazione del diritto europeo da parte dei singoli stati membri. LA COMMISSIONE EUROPEA La Commissione è l'istituzione dell'UE che detiene il monopolio dell'iniziativa legislativa e importanti poteri esecutivi in settori quali la concorrenza e il commercio esterno. — L'autorità competente dello Stato membro che necessita di assistenza trasmette una notifica agli Stati membri e alla Commissione europea tramite il SARR. Rimani informato sulle notizie dall'Europa e … In the other fields, the Council and Parliament are able to request legislation; in most cases the Commission initiates on the basis of these proposals. The commission is divided into departments known as Directorates-General (DGs) that can be likened to departments or ministries. [70], The President of the Commission is selected by consensus by the European Council[71] and confirmed by the European Parliament or not. [107][108] When the Parliament is meeting in Strasbourg, the Commissioners also meet there in the Winston Churchill building to attend the Parliament's debates. Además, el Consejo Europeo ha considerado que José Borrell Fontelles es el candidato adecuado a alto representante de la Unión para Asuntos Exteriores y Política de Seguridad. It is common, although not a formal requirement, that the commissioners have previously held senior political positions, such as being a member of the European Parliament or a government minister.[4]. On 9 September, the European Council declared a list of candidate-commissioners which has to be officially approved by the parliament. [28], The successor to Delors was Jacques Santer. The exact number of Commissioners was to be decided by a unanimous vote of the European Council, and membership would rotate equally between member states. Peterson, John and Michael Shackelton (2006) "Institutions of European Union" p152. [92] The fact that the commission can directly decide (albeit with oversight from specially formed 'comitology committees') on the shape and character of implementing legislation further raises concerns about democratic legitimacy. Ciertas cookies sirven para obtener estadísticas agregadas sobre las visitas al sitio web, que nos ayudan a seguir mejorando el sitio y atender mejor a las necesidades de quienes lo visitan. The European Commission derives from one of the five key institutions created in the supranational European Community system, following the proposal of Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, on 9 May 1950. È una delle principali istituzioni dell’Unione Europea (UE), con sede a Bruxelles. Información de interés en Europa. [13] [87], There is a larger press corps in Brussels than Washington, D.C.; in 2007, media outlets in every Union member-state had a Brussels correspondent. La Secretaría General del Consejo es un órgano administrativo encargado de asistir al Consejo Europeo y al Consejo de la UE. Under the Treaty of Nice, the first Commission to be appointed after the number of member states reached 27 would have to be reduced to "less than the number of Member States". Active . Más información sobre el cometido del Consejo Europeo, envíe su solicitud al servicio de información al público. [8] [3] One of the 27 is the Commission President (currently Ursula von der Leyen) proposed by the European Council[7] and elected by the European Parliament. [10][11][12] The procedural languages of the commission are English, French and German. p32. [58], The commission's powers in proposing law have usually centred on economic regulation. [46] The members are proposed by their member state governments, one from each. In 2014, Jean-Claude Juncker became President of the European Commission. As a result of a fraud and corruption scandal, the entire Santer Commission was forced by the Parliament to resign in 1999; a central role was played by Édith Cresson. Utilizamos cookies para asegurarnos de que tenga usted la mejor experiencia de navegación posible en el sitio web del Consejo. [18][22] The external representation of the Community took a step forward when President Roy Jenkins, recruited to the presidency in January 1977 from his role as Home Secretary of the United Kingdom's Labour government,[23] became the first President to attend a G8 summit on behalf of the Community. El Servicio de Prensa celebra ruedas de prensa, ofrece cobertura audiovisual de los actos importantes y proporciona instalaciones para los periodistas. That was the first time a Commission had been forced to resign en masse, and represented a shift of power towards the Parliament. También puede consultar las publicaciones del Consejo, acceder a los archivos y hacer búsquedas sobre la legislación que el Consejo negocia con el Parlamento Europeo. Más información sobre la suscripción a Scribd [50][51] The governmental powers of the Commission have been such that some, including former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, have suggested changing its name to the "European Government", calling the present name of the Commission "ridiculous". Once the team is approved by parliament, it is formally put into office by the European Council (TEU Article 17:7). The Barroso Commission took office in late 2004 after being delayed by objections from the Parliament, which forced a reshuffle. It took office first on 10 August 1952 in Luxembourg City. [14], José Manuel Barroso became president in 2004: the Parliament once again asserted itself in objecting to the proposed membership of the Barroso Commission. Ecco cosa fa la Commissione europea: gestione delle politiche e assegnazione dei finanziamenti dell’Unione europea. Asimismo, el Consejo Europeo ha celebrado la decisión de los jefes de Estado o de Gobierno de los Estados miembros cuya moneda es el euro de designar a Charles Michel presidente de la Cumbre del Euro para el mismo periodo. Iulie 2020. [52], The Commission differs from the other institutions in that it alone has legislative initiative in the EU. [24] Following the Jenkins Commission, Gaston Thorn's Commission oversaw the Community's enlargement to the south, in addition to beginning work on the Single European Act. [55] However, the Council and Parliament may request the commission to draft legislation, though the Commission does have the power to refuse to do so[56] as it did in 2008 over transnational collective conventions. [100][101][102][103] It has also been criticised on IT-related issues, particularly with regard to Microsoft. It takes place every weekday in the commission's press room at the Berlaymont where journalists may ask questions of Commission officials on any topic and legitimately expect to get an "on the record" answer for live TV. [89] In the face of high-level criticism,[90] the Commission shut down Presseurop on 20 December 2013. [14] Owing to the merger, the Rey Commission saw a temporary increase to 14 members—although subsequent Commissions were reduced back to nine, following the formula of one member for small states and two for larger states. Si no es periodista, envíe su solicitud al servicio de información al público. La candidata propuesta deberá ser elegida por el Parlamento Europeo por mayoría de los miembros que lo componen. The Members of the Commission and their "cabinets" (immediate teams) are based in the Berlaymont building in Brussels. También conocido informalmente como el Consejo de la UE, es el foro donde se reúnen los ministros nacionales de los países de la UE para adoptar la legislación y coordinar las políticas. Although there has been a worldwide cut in journalists, the considerable press releases and operations such as Europe by Satellite and EuroparlTV leads many news organisations to believe they can cover the EU from these source and news agencies. Inoltre, il Kirgisistan è diventato membro nel 2004; il Cile nel 2005; la Repubblica di Corea e il Montenegro nel 2006; il Marocco e l'Algeria nel 2007; Israele nel 2008, Peru e Brasile nel 2009, la Tunisia e Messico nel 2010, Kazakistan nel 2011, Stati Uniti nel 2013, Kosovo nel 2014, Costa Rica nel 2016 e Canada nel 2019. You agree to PRIVACY POLICY. The power of a Commissioner largely depends upon their portfolio, and can vary over time. [80] There has also been a greater degree of politicisation within the Commission. Within the EU, the legitimacy of the commission is mainly drawn from the vote of approval that is required from the European Parliament, along with its power to dismiss the body. Ultima editare a paginii a fost efectuată la 27 mai 2020, ora 04:07. Capitale: Copenaghen; Lingue ufficiali dell’UE: danese; Membro dell'UE: dal 1º gennaio 1973; Valuta: corona danese DKK.La Danimarca ha negoziato una clausola di esenzione dall’euro e quindi non è obbligata a introdurlo. Pubblicate le raccomandazioni della Commissione europea agli Stati membri sulla definizione dei Piani Strategici della PAC. [2], Through Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union the commission has several responsibilities: to develop medium-term strategies; to draft legislation and arbitrate in the legislative process; to represent the EU in trade negotiations; to make rules and regulations, for example in competition policy; to draw up the budget of the European Union; and to scrutinise the implementation of the treaties and legislation. E 7% restante se destina a gastos administrativos. Commissione europea. [16] Hallstein notably began the consolidation of European law and started to have a notable impact on national legislation. Membru din . Siga las últimas novedades en cuanto a elaboración de políticas y a legislación en curso de negociación. However, individual Commissioners, by request of the council or Commission, can be compelled to retire on account of a breach of obligation(s) and if so ruled by the European Court of Justice (Art. [67] In practice, however, they do occasionally press for their national interest. Su mandato durará cinco años, desde la fecha en que finaliza el mandato de la actual Comisión hasta el 31 de octubre de 2024. [16], The three bodies, collectively named the European Executives, co-existed until 1 July 1967 when, under the Merger Treaty, they were combined into a single administration under President Jean Rey. [3] The Commissioners are proposed by the Council of the European Union, on the basis of suggestions made by the national governments, and then appointed by the European Council after the approval of the European Parliament. La valutazione della Commissione europea ha portato all’identificazione dei diversi livelli di impegno per ogni Stato membro, sulla cui base la Commissione europea ha presentato raccomandazioni concrete agli Stati membri per la redazione dei loro piani strategici della PAC, assicurando un collegamento con l’ambizione del Green Deal europeo. Some states, such as France, expressed reservations over the power of the High Authority, and wished to limit it by giving more power to the Council rather than the new executives. This also leads to an unusually high number of press releases, 1907 for 2006, and is seen as a unique product of the EU's political set-up. Faceţi diferența. [98] This happened after media accused the Commission of blocking scientific evidence against biofuel subsidies. There is one journalist covering EU news for Latvia and none for Lithuania. [10], Before the Treaty of Lisbon came into force, the executive power of the EU was held by the council: it conferred on the Commission such powers for it to exercise. Originating in 1951 as the High Authority in the European Coal and Steel Community, the commission has undergone numerous changes in power and composition under various presidents, involving three Communities. La sede del Consejo de la UE y del Consejo Europeo está en Bruselas (Bélgica). 1768 press releases were published in 2010 and 1589 in 2011. However, it is the Commission that currently holds executive powers over the European Union. Although the institutional crisis was solved the following year, it cost Etienne Hirsch his presidency of Euratom and later Walter Hallstein the EEC presidency, despite his otherwise being viewed as the most 'dynamic' leader until Jacques Delors. El Consejo Europeo ha elegido hoy a Charles Michel presidente del Consejo Europeo. Nos gustaría saber qué opina Ud. In 2006, a toxic waste spill off the coast of Côte d'Ivoire, from a European ship, prompted the commission to look into legislation against toxic waste. [25], The Commission headed by Jacques Delors was seen as giving the Community a sense of direction and dynamism. This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with … Fue en la cumbre europea de París en febrero de 1974 cuando se decidió que estas reuniones de Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno se celebrarían en lo sucesivo regularmente y adoptarían el nombre de "Consejo Europeo" para permitir un enfoque global de los problemas de la construcción europea y garantizar la cohesión del conjunto de las actividades comunitarias. [61], Recently the commission has moved into creating European criminal law. Más información sobre documentos y publicaciones. [31] However, the Santer Commission did carry out work on the Treaty of Amsterdam and the euro. It has put forward a large number of regulations based on a "precautionary principle". +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00 You are here: Portal /. El mandato del presidente del Consejo Europeo, de dos años y medio de duración, es renovable una sola vez. Lascia questo campo vuoto se sei umano: Europa Business School. [96], In 2009 the European ombudsman published statistics of citizens' complaints against EU institutions, with most of them filed against the commission (66%) and concerning lack of transparency (36%). Join our Newsletter . [66] Finally, the Commission provides some external representation for the Union, alongside the member states and the Common Foreign and Security Policy, representing the Union in bodies such as the World Trade Organization. [53][54] This monopoly has been challenged by some who claim the Parliament should also have the right, with most national parliaments holding the right in some respects. The United States declined to join this video conference or to contribute funds.[106]. Juncker appointed his previous campaign director and head of the transition team, Martin Selmayr, as his chief of cabinet. Powers are more restricted than most national executives, in part due to the commission's lack of power over areas like foreign policy – that power is held by the European Council, which some analysts have described as another executive. Even though each member is nominated on the basis of the suggestions made by the national governments, one per state, they do not represent their state in the commission. [48][49] This aspect has been changed by the Treaty of Lisbon, after which the Commission exercises its powers just by virtue of the treaties. Following their appointment, the President appoints a number of Vice-Presidents (the High Representative is mandated to be one of them) from among the commissioners. Analysis of current practice and proposals for tackling mismanagement, irregularities, and fraud. Decisione nel caso 969/2017/LM in merito alla mancata elaborazione entro il termine prescritto, da parte della Commissione europea, di una relazione sull'osservanza della direttiva 2010/64/UE sul diritto all'interpretazione e alla traduzione nei procedimenti penali da parte degli Stati membri Frans Timmermans Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights Mission Letter Federica Mogherini Chiesta dalla Commissione europea a tutti gli Stati membri” IFQ. Hence a guarantee given for a rerun of the vote was that the council would use its power to amend the number of Commissioners upwards. The European Commission derives from one of the five key institutions created in the supranational European Community system, following the proposal of Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister, on 9 May 1950. [39] The Treaty of Lisbon, which came into force on 1 December 2009, mandated a reduction of the number of commissioners to two-thirds of member-states from 2014 unless the Council decided otherwise. Cooperation with the Member States. Más información sobre la labor del Consejo. The High Authority was the supranational administrative executive of the new European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). However, according to the treaties it still has to be fewer than the total number of members, thus it was proposed that the member state that does not get a Commissioner would get the post of High Representative – the so-called 26+1 formula. Your details will not be shared with third parties. In this role it is known informally as the "guardian of the treaties". [14] The reason for the change in name was the new relationship between the executives and the Council. ", "Das Demokratiedefizit der Europäischen Union. Europa Business School is not a degree granting institution . In base all’art. Tutti gli Stati membri del Consiglio d'Europa hanno aderito alla Commissione di Venezia. E' stata pubblicata la Comunicazione della Commissione Europea nel quadro dell’attuazione della direttiva 2004/108/CE concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alla compatibilità elettromagnetica e che abroga la direttiva 89/336/CEE [86], It has been noted by one researcher that the press releases issued by the commission are uniquely political. Public țintă . [26] Delors and his team are also considered as the "founding fathers of the euro". As Parliament cannot vote against individual Commissioners there is usually a compromise whereby the worst candidates are removed but minor objections are put aside so the commission can take office. However, under Barroso, the commission began to lose ground to the larger member states as countries such as France, the UK and Germany sought to sideline its role. In adopting the necessary technical measures, the commission is assisted by committees made up of representatives of member states and of the public and private lobbies[64] (a process known in jargon as "comitology"). I membri della Commissione sono attualmente in numero pari a quello degli Stati membri, ma a causa dell’aumento di quest’ultimi, l’art. Sus comentarios son sumamente importantes para nosotros, pues nos permiten mejorar, en lo sucesivo, su experiencia. [37] In 2008, Paul van Buitenen (the former auditor known from the Santer Commission scandal) accused the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) of a lack of independence and effectiveness.[38]. The position is currently held by Ilze Juhansone. La Commissione europea ha comprato i vaccini per tutti i 27 Paesi membri. [104], The European Commission has an Action Plan to enhance preparedness against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) security risks as part of its anti-terrorism package released in October 2017. El Consejo Europeo adoptará una decisión formal sobre su nombramiento atendiendo a una recomendación del Consejo y tras consultar al Parlamento Europeo y al Consejo de Gobierno del BCE. În conformitate cu Directiva UE 2009/136/CE, vă informăm că vizitarea acestui site antrenează activarea unui modul „cookie” în momentul accesării sistemului.Dacă nu sunteți de acord cu activarea acestui modul, nu accesați site-ul. The Commission has the following functions: Legislation – The Commission initiates legislation. Such a situation is unique in the world. Coerenza con le disposizioni vigenti Questa iniziativa contribuisce all'ambizione espressa a Roma nel marzo 2017 dai 27 Stati membri e The Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation. [1] È composta da un delegato per ogni Stato membro dell'Unione europea (detto Commissario ), richiedendo a ciascun delegato la massima indipendenza decisionale dal governo nazionale che lo ha indicato. Avenue de l'Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex Tel. [69] Another example is the Competition Commissioner, who holds a highly visible position with global reach. Saranno le autorità nazionali a determinare i criteri in base ai quali attivare la richiesta di assistenza da parte dell'UE. La Commissione europea potenzia il quadro normativo per gli aiuti di Stato ... mano agli Stati membri si è ulteriormente ampliato e contempla misure per garantire la liquidità, sostegno ai lavoratori e incentivi per la produzione di dispositivi utili a combattere la diffusione del virus e a curarlo. Once legislation is passed by the Council and Parliament, it is the commission's responsibility to ensure it is implemented. Goes It Alone", "After 13 years of hold-ups and incompetence, the EU's 'Berlaymonster' rises like a phoenix", Access to documents of the European Commission, High Authority of the Coal and Steel Community, Commission of the Atomic Energy Community, Table of European Commission Directorates-General and Services, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Inclusion, Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Infrastructures and Logistics (Brussels & Luxembourg), European Coal and Steel Community (1951–2002), European Economic Community (1958–1993/2009), Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification, Cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, Largest cities by population within city limits,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Bulgarian-language text, Articles containing Croatian-language text, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Articles containing Estonian-language text, Articles containing Finnish-language text, Articles containing Hungarian-language text, Articles containing Italian-language text, Articles containing Latvian-language text, Articles containing Lithuanian-language text, Articles containing Maltese-language text, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Articles containing Romanian-language text, Articles containing Slovene-language text, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles containing Swedish-language text, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 16:28. The Amsterdam Treaty had increased the commission's powers and Prodi was dubbed by the press as something akin to a Prime Minister. Organizzazione della Commissione. La Commissione europea ha approvato un quarto contratto con le società farmaceutiche BioNTech e Pfizer, che permetterà l'acquisto iniziale di 200 milioni di dosi per conto di tutti gli Stati membri dell'UE, con l'opzione di richiedere fino a 100 milioni di dosi ulteriori, che verranno fornite non appena saranno dimostrate la sicurezza e l'efficacia del vaccino contro la COVID-19. [94] The Treaty of Lisbon may go some way to resolving the perceived deficit in creating greater democratic controls on the commission, including enshrining the procedure of linking elections to the selection of the Commission president. El presidente del Consejo Europeo ha sido elegido para el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de diciembre de 2019 y el 31 de mayo de 2022. [14], The first Commission originated in 1951 as the nine-member "High Authority" under President Jean Monnet (see Monnet Authority). "The European Commission’s (EC) Action Plan to enhance preparedness against CBRN security risks is part of its anti-terrorism package released in October 2017, a strategy aimed at better protecting the more than 511 million citizens across the 27 member states of the European Union (EU).”[105], The European Commission organized a video conference of world leaders on 4 May 2020 to raise funds for coronavirus vaccine development. It is also usual for the President to attend meetings of the G8. The candidate has often been a leading national politician, but this is not a requirement. 17.5 TUE aveva previsto che, dal 1° novembre 2014, avrebbe dovuto costituirsi di un numero di membri corrispondente ai due terzi del numero degli Stati membri, compresi il presidente e l’alto rappresentante dell’Unione per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza.

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